diumenge, 29 de gener del 2012

Tønsberg, our new place!


I'm Installed!!!

After the
first round and a little coffee to wake up at the Amsterdam airport, we took the second flight to Sandefjord.

At 13:20 we landed on Norwegian territory, finally! The first image has been surprising... an impressionnant aerial picture!

The rest has been a little bit chaotic but we have got to take a bus and a train and in a 'obrir i tancar d'ulls' we have arrived in Tønsberg!

The river is frozen and the streets are snow-covered completely...we've just suffered the first slips.

At 1700 p.m we got the keys and enter into our rooms! I add some photos of my new apartment! See it:


divendres, 20 de gener del 2012

Revenge is best served cold

Few days ago my 'friends' start with a funny game... well... funny, funny... no! I still have one week before leaving... I supose that I will have to do a final proof yet. Wish me luck please!

To laugh at me have started to send mails from a mail called commissaries of the party ... What can I expect?
My first surprise was 'you must clean your feets (also you can pain
t your nails), take a pic, and obviously, upload it on facebook as profile picture until new order...'
In that moment I thought: 'Ok, I don't think that my feets are dirty...but thank you for the information!' My second thought was: 'Ok, I will do it but the colors of my hearth will be there'. I paint my nails with red and blue, like F.C. Barcelona.

My second surprise have been sent today at my mail. Two days ago I was in a shopping center in Barcelona with a friend... I was looking for a mask to sleep in Norway. The only mask with a minimum of seriousness was this one:

As you can see the proof of this week are take a pic with this 'funny' mask and upload it again on Facebook in order to all my friends and acquaintances can laugh at me :)

Fortunately, they let me take revenge on them. Are you ready?