dijous, 2 de febrer del 2012

I'm in love with norway!

How to express?

Yesterday we were at the conference of our orientation day in the University. The guys from International Relations Office was explain us a lot of practical information about university, campus, live in norway, cell phones, and norwegian culture.

In this last part, a curious professor (with a even more curious bunch on her hair) told us about norwegian culture and their customs… It was the most important part for me because I can understand a little bit more their philosophy.

The norwegian people are very reserved, extremely I think. If I across with someone in the corridor of my residence I don't receive any greeting.. It's very sad but, well… That's all at the moment. Our classmates in the University are more open mind luckily! Also, norwegians are against the monarchy but in the same time, they are sympathizers with the royal family. This is because the royal family is not like Spain. Here the king and his family can walk alone for the street, don't use security, the king goes by bike sometimes and do a lot of regattas too. The majority have seen the king in the street and it's not considered strange.

The norwegian society is characterized because all of them are in the same social status. They are only between 6 or 7 millions of people and they think it's better that each one has the same. I love this philosophy!

Their cottages are precious. Cottages are constructed onto a big cement platform to keep off cold and snow. I add a pic that I find in Internet because I have not photos yet about it:

About food, I only show you the Matpakke. It's like a sandwich made of some type of bread (here no have bread like in Spain), salami and cucumber. They eat it in a breakfast time for morning. I haven't had the opportunity to taste one but I promise, I will do!

Now I show you our dining room and my views from my room others! It's spacious and where's we pass more hours...:

Now, my views!

And some photos from dining room.

There it goes!

Respect to classes... Well, today we start the second subject, Business English course. We have entered into a class and the professor have started to ask us a lot of questions in front if our classmates... Buf! At the beginning is very hard. The professor is always speaking with rhetorical questions and his humor is english. However, we think that its the best way to learn english. He doesn't leave us deconcentrated during the class. We are continuously speaking between us, it's a great dynamic class. I recognize, I'm very shy yet but I hope to be more open with the days...!

Take care family!

1 comentari:

  1. Bartina!

    Finally, we'll learn so much english reading this blog!

    Speak english all the time has to be so difficult, but It's the only way to talk and learn well this languange. :)

    Write soon!!! I like it!!

    Anna Alemany.
